First Article
Andrew See
ossess knowledge of devices like Endotreacheal, Feeding, Extension, Stomach
and Suction tubing, Oxygen Mask, Cannula, Blood Transfer, Urine Bags and Intravenous Solutions
operations. Also familiar with manufacturing of Entreal Feeding, CAPD, Colostomy Bags, Foley,
Silicon, VPACE, Thermodilution Catheters, Medical Syringes, Scalp Veins, Arterial Venous Fistula
Needles, Intravenous Needles, Haemodialysis Arterial and Venous lines,
Capillary Flow Dialysis or Hollow fibres.
Special skills in researching and analysing existing manufacturing procedures,
developing and implementing improved methods and operations to work well with individuals of various cultures,
languages and levels of training.
Manufacturing and Quality Operations management expertise, which include development
of production lines of major plastic medical devices, purchase, installation and maintenance of heavy equipment,
inventory control, budget-preparation, administration, vendor selection and negotiations. Oversee all manufacturing
operations to ensure the highest possible level of product quality.